Why Saturday Sabbath?
From the producer of the 7th-day beavers documentary
What's so special about Saturday, People who keep it, or Animals that rest on it?
Discover the role and destiny of a day and a people in prophecy
In 2016, I completed an observational study and a TV documentary about a family of beavers that rest on Saturday. The 7th-day Beavers documentary is now airing on TV networks around the world. I'd love to come share this amazing testimony with your church, camp meeting, or week of prayer, along with a series of inspiring presentations about God's Sabbath keeping people and their role in prophecy.
The 7th-day Beavers

Desire Media
7th day Beaver official study, seminars, online bible school
Invite Larren to your church, week of prayer, or camp meeting
Upcoming 2024 Seminars with Larren Cole
Better Life Broadcasting Network program taping, May 9
Famous Adventists, Animals that REST
Christmas Valley SDA Church, May 11
With Christian Paul, church presentation
Shady Point SDA Church, May 25
Chiloquin OR SDA Church, July 9
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 4
North Valley SDA, Merlin, OR July 16
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 3
Shasta Lake Bible Fellowship in N. California, July 23
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 1-2
Rogue River OR SDA Church, July 30
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 4
Pagosa Springs Colorado SDA Church, August 26-27
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar
Helena Montana SDA Church, Sept 9-10
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar
Healing Hope SDA Church Portland OR, Nov 3-4
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar
Famous Adventists, Animals that REST
Christmas Valley SDA Church, May 11
With Christian Paul, church presentation
Shady Point SDA Church, May 25
Chiloquin OR SDA Church, July 9
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 4
North Valley SDA, Merlin, OR July 16
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 3
Shasta Lake Bible Fellowship in N. California, July 23
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 1-2
Rogue River OR SDA Church, July 30
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast seminar 4
Pagosa Springs Colorado SDA Church, August 26-27
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar
Helena Montana SDA Church, Sept 9-10
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar
Healing Hope SDA Church Portland OR, Nov 3-4
Financial Planning for the Mark of the Beast full seminar